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I did a thing (and a bunch of other things)

I did a thing. And a bunch of other things.

The Thing

Last week, I finished a year-long, graduate-level program in Executive and Professional Coaching (on top of all the other coach education I've earned). Three nights a week, I was taught by the “best of the best” educators and coaches, right along with an incredible cohort of kick-ass professionals, many who are now good friends and inspirational colleagues. I loved every minute. I’m grateful I’ve taken my coaching skills even deeper.

The Other Things

  • I had to tell my husband he could be verbally abusive. We almost didn’t make it (PTSD, anxiety, and fear of abandonment are huge triggers for him). I had to mentally and emotionally separate his demons from my self-worth. To his credit, he woke up. He does better. We do better. 
  • We moved. We love our new home situated outside of Phoenix. In March, we happily settled in, enjoying life back in “civilization” again (turns out, rural Arizonan living is not for us). 
  • My 80 year old mother moved in with us in May. It’s been hard. I’ve had to unravel some medical challenges we didn’t know she had. We see how incredibly forgetful she is now, and her judgment is poor. She triggers old childhood wounds that I thought were healed (spoiler alert, they aren’t). For safety reasons, we can’t leave her alone, so one of us is always home with her. It’s been an adjustment. We’re still adjusting. We feel trapped.

So what’s the point?

As I wrap up my academic accomplishment, I’m taking a moment to reflect on the full impact of the year. It’s not the “things” that are important to me, it’s the takeaways from the things. Here are my takeaways; maybe you can relate:

  • It’s okay to pursue multiple dreams simultaneously. If you love what you do, you’ll figure it out.
  • If something doesn’t work anymore, you can always do something different. 
  • Family is everything. Helping my mom is hard, but supporting her is a strong personal value. I can’t imagine her navigating through life alone anymore.

There’s always more to learn! Next on the radar: lose the 10 lbs I “found” this year. Give myself grace for finding them. Possibly stay in school one more year to get a Master’s degree. We’ll see. In the meantime, I’ll enjoy the 3 nights a week back in my life, prioritize my wellness, and dream of what I want to accomplish next.